A Chance to Study Video Game Music?

by Mishaal | Mar 11, 2023

Bradley University, a prestigious private university in Illinois is starting a new program in its music department called music for video games! So, if you’ve been a fan of gaming and music and have always wanted a program that lets you choose the best of both worlds, then this program could be for you!

The university realized that students were already making soundtracks to games they loved as their Capstone projects for the past 5 years and this was a great next step to encourage more people to go down that road and not have their potential limited just by having students complete projects and assignments.

The popularity of the course will depend on how many people sign up for it, but if the university is to be believed, many would be interested in this new course.

People will be able to take courses such as business, interactive media, sound design, recording arts, orchestration, and technology in this degree program, equipping them with all the tools they would need to create video game music masterpieces upon and before graduation.

The associate chair of the department of Music, Mr. Carl Anderson also stressed the fact that the degree will make graduates as marketable as possible, in the short and long term, regardless of how technology changes.

The program does not need an audition but interested individuals must submit a portfolio. According to Lambrecht, the university’s Music Theory and Composition teacher, they are looking for a student who can offer two samples of their work, which might include an arrangement or remix of an existing tune done on a computer utilizing a digital audio workstation.

Visit the music department’s website for further information, if you’re interested!


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